
This guide provides essential best practices for running Blades in the Dark in an asynchronous Play-by-Post format.
A cheat sheet for blades in the dark that lets you select, module by module, if you want vanilla or deep cuts rules.
These are airtable databases that allow you to quickly search for factions, NPS, equipment, special abilities, etc.
An unofficial crew playbook for Blades in the Dark. Where you play ruthless capitalists.
A TTRPG where you play entrepreneurs racing to fulfill your world-changing vision before running out of time.
Free, lite VTT designed to help GMs and players enjoy Blades in the Dark - Deep Cuts
This set of instructions and random tables helps you quickly put together a score or mini campaign in Coalridge
Free, lite VTT designed to help GMs and players enjoy Blades in the Dark
Play a character attempting to ascend from weak mortal to immortal demon.
This set of instructions and random tables helps you quickly put together a score or mini campaign in the Deathlands.